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Troy and Lindsay | Households of FI Update
Episode 398

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Troy and Lindsey return to share insights on their journey towards financial independence and the evolution of their family dynamics since their last appearance. Troy reflects on the significant changes in their lives, including the birth of their second child and Lindsey's transition to part-time online teaching, which has allowed for greater flexibility and reduced childcare costs. The couple emphasizes the importance of not over-optimizing their budget, having learned to balance savings with enjoying life. They discuss their plans for a home improvement project, exploring how to manage debt responsibly while enhancing their family environment, shifting their financial mindset along the way. Realizing the necessity of teaching their children about money, they express eagerness to implement strategies that foster a healthy relationship with finances, inspired by discussions on budgeting and future planning.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode: Troy and Lindsey's Journey to Financial Independence

Episode Summary

In this episode of ChooseFI, hosts Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa welcome back Troy and Lindsey, past guests who share updates on their journey toward financial independence. The couple discusses their shift from strict budgeting to a balanced lifestyle that emphasizes happiness alongside financial goals. With significant changes in their income, including Troy's salary increase after transitioning to the cloud computing sector, they evaluate their spending priorities, the impact of remote work, and the importance of intentional financial decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • Flexibility in Careers: Both Troy and Lindsey have embraced flexible work options, with Troy moving to a lucrative remote IT role while Lindsey transitioned to part-time online teaching.
  • Shifting Spending Priorities: Their approach has evolved from strict budgeting to focusing on spending that enhances their lives and aligns with their values.
  • Importance of Family Support: Utilizing family for childcare has significantly reduced their expenses compared to traditional daycare options.
  • Celebrating Small Wins: They emphasize the balance of enjoying life now while planning for financial independence.
  • Transformative Debt Perspective: Their view on debt has shifted, recognizing how it can be used strategically for large purchases like a pool.
  • Utilizing Financial Tools: They recommend using tools like New Retirement to track finances and plan for long-term goals.


  • Podcast Intro
  • Introduction to Troy and Lindsey
  • Life Updates and Changes
    • Lindsey's transition to part-time online teaching and Troy's remote IT job
  • Financial Changes and Income Growth
    • Analysis of their income before and after Troy's career shift
  • Prioritizing Spending
    • Discussion on their evolving spending priorities
  • Raising Kids with a Money Mindset
    • Exploring methods to teach financial concepts to their children
  • Closing Thoughts and Future Planning
    • Reflections on their journey and future considerations

Key Quotes

  • "Welcome to parenting, where double the kids means exponential work!"
  • "The path to FI leads to greater flexibility in life choices."
  • "Finding happiness in remote work and family time."
  • "Treat your job like dating; explore options for better opportunities."
  • "Transform your mindset: Use money as a tool rather than a stressor."

Actionable Takeaways

  • Reevaluate your financial priorities periodically; life changes can shift what matters most.
  • Consider remote work opportunities to improve work-life balance.
  • Explore options for optimizing income by upskilling or changing fields.

Discussion Questions

  • How has your view on debt changed as you've progressed on your FI journey?
  • What are the implications of remote work on work-life balance and personal finances?
  • How do you approach financial priorities with a spouse or partner?


Troy and Lindsey's experience illustrates the journey toward financial freedom is not just about cutting costs, but making intentional decisions that align with personal values. They emphasize flexibility and adaptability as key components that have allowed them to balance financial independence with quality of life.

Listen to the full episode for more insights and relatable experiences on the path to financial independence!

Embracing Flexibility on the Journey to Financial Independence

Achieving financial independence (FI) is not just about reaching a numerical goal; it's about creating a lifestyle that aligns with your values and aspirations. Troy and Lindsey, previous guests on ChooseFI, offer inspiring insights that highlight the importance of flexibility, intentionality, and balance as they navigate their own unique journey to financial independence.

Rethinking Financial Priorities

As you embark on your path to financial independence, regularly reassessing your financial priorities is crucial. Life circumstances change, and your goals may shift, prompting you to reconsider what truly matters. Here are some actionable steps to help you evaluate and adjust your priorities:

  • Reflect on Your Values: Consider what you truly value in life. Are you passionate about travel, home improvement, or time with family? Recognizing what brings you joy will help you allocate your budget accordingly.

  • Set Intentional Goals: Instead of rigid financial targets, set flexible goals that allow for enjoyment while still moving towards financial independence. For example, if you plan to renovate your backyard or take a family trip, do so mindfully without losing sight of your savings objectives.

  • Involve Your Partner: Keep the lines of communication open with your partner or family members. Discuss your financial aspirations and priorities together to ensure everyone is aligned and invested in the journey.

Harnessing the Power of Remote Work

The recent shift toward remote work has opened new doors for professionals seeking work-life balance and increased flexibility in their careers. Here’s how you can leverage remote work to enhance your life and career:

  • Identify Remote Opportunities: Look for job roles that can be performed remotely, even if it involves transitioning to a new field. Upskilling or learning new technologies can create new avenues for work that align with your interests.

  • Negotiate Your Position: If your current role does not offer remote options, don’t hesitate to discuss the possibility with your employer. Highlight the benefits of remote work, including increased productivity and job satisfaction.

  • Prioritize Work-Life Balance: Embrace remote work as a means to reclaim time previously spent commuting. This newfound flexibility allows for enriching family moments and personal fulfillment.

The Evolution of Budgeting

Troy and Lindsey initially adopted a stringent budgeting strategy akin to Dave Ramsey's approach. However, as they progressed on their journey, they realized the importance of striking a balance between saving and enjoying life.

  • Adopt a Balanced Approach: Shift from strict budgeting to a more balanced approach. Allocate funds for essential expenses while allowing room for discretionary spending that enhances your quality of life.

  • Focus on Happiness: Spending decisions should reflect your personal values and desires. Don’t deprive yourself of small pleasures; instead, find a way to integrate them within your overall budget.

  • Avoid Deprivation: Recognize the difference between necessary saving and excessive deprivation. Enjoy a splurge every once in a while, such as a special outing or home improvement project, as these can contribute to overall happiness and satisfaction.

Utilizing Debt Strategically

As the couple prepares for significant home upgrades, they have redefined their view on debt. Rather than shying away from it, they consider debt as a manageable tool for their financial plans.

  • Reframe Your Mindset on Debt: Understand that not all debt is negative. Strategically using debt for worthwhile investments, such as home renovations or education, can yield positive returns.

  • Create a Payback Plan: If you choose to take on debt, develop a clear repayment strategy. For instance, utilizing a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) for home projects allows you to finance improvements while building equity in your home.

  • Incorporate Travel Rewards: Use credit card rewards to your advantage. By strategically utilizing travel rewards, you can enhance your lifestyle without incurring significant extra costs.

Teaching Financial Literacy to the Next Generation

As Troy and Lindsey expand their family, they are mindful of instilling financial literacy in their children. Here are ways to equip your kids with essential money management skills:

  • Start Early: Teach your children about money management from a young age. Use age-appropriate methods, such as visual aids or games, to make learning engaging.

  • Encourage a Savings Culture: Help your children understand the value of saving by introducing them to saving jars or digital savings accounts where they can see their progress.

  • Make it Relatable: Connect financial concepts to real-life scenarios your children can grasp. Discuss the importance of budgeting by involving them in family budgeting activities for special occasions or trips.

Conclusion: Continuous Learning on the Path to FI

The journey to financial independence is one of continuous learning, adaptation, and adjustment. By reflecting on your financial priorities, embracing remote work, reshaping your views on budgeting and debt, and cultivating financial literacy in your family, you can create a fulfilling life that aligns with your values. Remember, financial independence is not just a destination; it’s a lifestyle crafted by intentional decisions and thoughtful actions.

As you navigate your path to financial freedom, take inspiration from Troy and Lindsey’s journey—be flexible and intentional in your choices and prioritize what truly matters in your life.

In this episode: career changes, up-skilling, re-prioritizing, accruing debt for value, childcare, and emergency funds.

The journey to FI is never linear. Sometimes we can find ourselves thinking the only way to meet our goals is to follow a strict plan, which can make adjusting said plan feel like a daunting set back. Well, our returning Households of FI guests Troy and Lindsay believe that flexibility during ones journey to FI can provide you with tremendous value! Making changes in your life, whether it's accruing temporary debt or changing careers, can actually lead to big time payoffs! While it may feel more secure to have a set trajectory with your financial goals, we know life gets in the way! So instead of sticking with a plan that isn't making you happy, try to stay flexible and evaluate all your options! 

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  • 1:34 - Introductions
  • 4:55 - Troy and Lindsay Update
  • 12:10 - Avoiding Over Optimization
  • 18:49 - Up-Skilling & Career Changes
  • 27:56 - Upgrading Income and Re-evaluating Priorities
  • 36:15 - Accruing Debt for True Value
  • 40:20 - Emergency Funds
  • 42:58 - Going On Autopilot
  • 46:00 - Expenses and Childcare
  • 50:34 - Evaluating Your Work and Worth
  • 53:14 Raising FI Children
  • 58:54 - Conclusion

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode